UPDATED FOR 2024: Steal 100 of the HOTTEST Client-Getting Ads…

Marketing Agency 'Thieves' Hit Jackpot With Ads Booking HUNDREDS of Appointments 

These Copy-and-Paste Ads are Filling Calendars with RED-HOT Prospects like CLOCKWORK...

100+ Winning Ads That Effortlessly Book HUNDREDS of Calls Per Month...

  • Swipe the World's Most Powerful 'Whale-Client-Getting' Ads  
  • ​​Finally Press Publish From Your Ads Dashboard With CONFIDENCE Your Ads Will Convert Like CRAZY
  • ​A 'Feels-Blackhat' (yet super compliant) Way To Supercharge Your Marketing Practically Overnight
  • ​SECRET BONUS: Ad Thieves Get a Deep Discount (80% OFF) On The 2 Comma Club Funnel That 4.2X'd My Marketing Agency 


These particular ads are protected by copyright laws and blatant reuse of them is reserved for paying clients in which our lowest investment is $10,000.

We pay hefty monthly retainer to an international law firm that crawls the most common ad platforms and websites to detect infringements of these protected assets to ensure no one is able to profit from our intellectual property.

Take action today you will be WHILE-LISTED as an approved user of these assets allowing you to run profitable client-getting ads without guesswork starting the second you partner with us for insanely low cost.


If you decide to take action today, we'll reward you with 6 special bonuses



UPDATED FOR 2024: Facebook Targeting Cheat Sheet + Video Overview


B2B Ads Case Study Of a $0 To $120k Monthly Agency Owner


10 Hours Of B2B Ad Breakdowns For Our Inner Circle Mastermind


Behind The Scenes B2B Campaign Breakdown Number 1 ($0 To $100k Monthly Dental Agency)


Behind The Scenes B2B Campaign Breakdown Number 2 ($0 To $40k Monthly Mortgage Agency)


Behind The Scenes B2B Campaign Breakdown Number 3 ($0 To $80k Monthly Pool Builder Agency)

Originally $297.99... Limited Time $5.49

If this page redirects to a waiting list it means this offer won't be available for 90 days, but you can still opt-in to be notified when it opens back up.

Dear Marketing Agency Owner,

By now you’ve tasted the dust of countless competitors scaling FAST using proven calendar-filling ads...

So you know they work...but if you’re anything like me before I discovered these profit cheat-codes..

You’re probably afraid of losing your hard-earned doe...

But I guarantee that after you run these peculiar ads you’ll have DROVES of qualified prospects on your calendar inside 72 hours…

In fact, even if you POORLY reword this ad to a measly budget of just $5 per day you WILL get prospects booking sales calls directly on your calendar who need your services BAD...

...just not as many :)

"It feels like cheating"

Unlike any ole’ swipe file of ads you can easily find on the internet….

You can rest assured these ads just plain WORK.

And I don’t mean in just one niche...

But over 30+ niches over the past 18 months...

So if you’re wondering “will these work for me?” 

Fact is, that depends on a lot of other factors — I can only speak for the myriad of online entrepreneurs we’ve helped set up call-booking machines...

Only a fool, with a strong desire to start or scale a online online who hates the grind of cold outreach would pass this up.

It can work whether you sell lead generation, SEO, websites, design, social media management.

So in an effort to protect ourselves from 'funnelhackers' who think it's okay to lie, cheat, and steal their way to the top...

Legal precautions are taken to prevent anyone from using our intellectual property without our approval...

Now we get emails like this one a couple times a week... 

Reading closely, it says “We’re pleased to report that the following link(s) which you sent us have been taken down…..”

Why are we going through such grave measures to safeguard these ads from these ‘ad-stealing’ CROOKS?

Because they're proven dangerously effective...

And honestly, we don't want just anyone getting their hands on them.

I’ve been talking these ads up quite a bit, so I think it’s better for you to hear from some of our clients yourself... 

The Power of a "Good" Ad...

The Power of a "Good" Ad...

"From $13k per month to $140k per month."

Dan Tieman


"I'd built a money-making trap that I couldn't escape from..."

Nicholas Korom


"We closed 8 clients in just two days."

Sage Mauk


Originally $297.99... Limited Time $5.49

If this page redirects to a waiting list it means this offer won't be available for 90 days, but you can still opt-in to be notified when it opens back up.

So we relied on all the “FREE” stuff like...

  • Instagram and Facebook DM's
  • ​Loom Video Audits
  • ​Personalized Videos on my iPhone
  • ​Free Trials
  • ​Sending LinkedIn Messages
  • Cold Emails
  • ​Virtual Assistants
  • ​Posting "value" in Facebook Groups
  • ​Asking for referrals
  • ​And more...
After that I figured this whole online entrepreneur thing was my only option for now…

But if I didn’t learn how to put prospects in the pipeline without killing myself in the process I was destined to work harder and longer hours for less pay than when I was at my 9 to 5...

So I figured maybe it’s time to find someone who knows how to do this ‘ads’ stuff.

But my trust in so-called “experts” was at an all time low.

I was sick of being burned by fakes who’s only skill was moving money from other people's pockets to their own with no real exchange of value….

They’re so good at putting up this front that they’re richer, happier, and better than you...

How do we tell fact from fiction? Is there absolute truth? How do we find truth for ourselves?

In a world with countless voices claiming to have the right answer to any question, it can be challenging to separate truth from opinion. 

So I started with what I already knew about ads...

We’re running these everyday for clients...can’t be that hard to GET clients from them, right?

Turns out marketing FOR local businesses is a lot different than marketing TO local businesses...

Burning through a couple grand with nothing to show for it made my blood boil...

So I started posting in every group I could find trying to decipher what was real and what wasn’t. 

Frankly I was scared to test a whole lot because money was tight.

But we pushed forward with what little budget we had...

Testing things we ‘funnel hacked’ 

Spent the better part of an entire week doing the slides for a VSL that ends up flopping HARD.

I mean an extra $700 or so with no clients to show for it.

We did long ads, short ones, videos, lead magnets…


It wasn’t for almost a year that we realized what the true cause of failure was…

We’d spent the bulk of our time on funnels no one visited…

Making lead magnets nobody wanted...

Writing emails that never got opened…

I’m embarrassed to say as someone who makes a living selling marketing services…that I didn’t realize what the real issue here was all along

But when we found our winning ads, everything started to make a lot more sense…

I think we all experience this feeling of...

"WHEN is it going to be MY time?"

"When is this all going to be worth it?"

Visualizing how it's really going to feel...

To finally have the validation that we made the right decision...

Proving to ourselves and the world that we have what it takes...

On this day I knew I never had to doubt myself again because…
All the blood sweat and tears I'd put into my dream of building a thriving online business finally meant something.
Everyday since then I've been reaping the benefits of these weird little ads...

But nowadays it's not just me...

Just Ask Rohan

Before he joined our elite circle of entrepreneurs he was doing around $3,000 a month...
Heavily relying on those deceptive "free" strategies to grow his business.

I say deceptive because everything comes at a cost...

In this case it was OPPORTUNITY COST.

Fact is — unbeknownst to him... 

Rohan was putting himself further and further behind the curve every day he wasn't using the same ads you're getting here today...
This is what happens when you shed your disbelief and go all in:

It's not just Rohan either...

Billy Wilson was even running paid traffic to get clients before he became a client...

But he realized that sometimes you have to admit that you don't know what ya don't know...

The results? 
$15k per month to $42,900 just 3 weeks after he got his hands on these ads...
As you can see, things change FAST when you take all the guesswork of ads...
...So what's it feel like to finally have prospects booking sales calls with you while you sleep?
But it's not cheating. 

Because the ads you're about to get are 100% compliant, ethical, and position you as an obvious choice to your prospects.

You'll find sales conversations going much smoother...

And more people saying "Yes, let's do it"...

Instead of "I need to think about it". 

Here's How To 'LEGALLY' Publish The Most Potent Client-Getting Ads (and Funnel) In History…

By now you know that the only to get licensing rights is to invest into one of our high-ticket programs...

But until this offer expires we're letting them go for a measly $5.49...

If all these ads did for you was get you 1 client who stayed with you for 2 months...

Either I'm dense or — this is making a lot of sense to say yes to.

But hey, I get it... 

I like to keep my options open too…

Plus, what else can you get with that kinda dough?

I did some homework and here's what I found... You can get less than 1 Sunflower make-up pouches…

Well, you can also grab 16 of these bad boys…

Yup, for $5.49 you can have 2 of your very own "Decision" dice...
That little description says:

"If you're having trouble making a decision, this Custom Imprinted Decision Dice will certainly help you out...."

But I bet that when you roll them for the first time you'll be askin' yourself if you made the right decision NOT to grow your online business with these plug-n-play, client-getting ads...

Now it's time to decide...

Option #1: Do nothing

This choice is most popular with the masses...

Unfortunately the masses are subconscious victims of 'Groupthink'

What's 'Groupthink'? 

Here's a relevant example to paint the clearest picture imaginable…
86% of people subscribe to this fixed way to live life:
But the fact is...you and I both know there's a better way.

And if you agree with that above statement...

Then you probably won't choose Option 1…

You'll choose Option 2...

That's where you're growing at such rapid speeds that every invisible glass ceiling shatters instantly on impact...

Because now you have the piece of the puzzle you were missing all along...

So please, rob me blind :-)


  • Steal My Client Getting Ads
  • BONUS #1 - Facebook Targeting Cheat Sheet + Video Overview
  • ​Bonus #2 - B2B Ads Case Study Of a $0 To $120k Monthly Agency Owner
  • BONUS #3 - 10 Hours Of B2B Ad Breakdowns For Our Inner Circle Mastermind + 3 Behind The Scenes B2B Ads Case Studies Of 7 Figure Agencies
  • ​60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Originally $297.99... 
Limited Time $5.49

If this page redirects to a waiting list it means this offer won't be available for 90 days, but you can still opt-in to be notified when it opens back up.

Worried We Haven't Covered Your Niche? 
Here's 23 Different Niches That Are Included.

When you order today

You'll get all these Hard Hitting Bonus Trainings for FREE...



Facebook Targeting Cheat Sheet
+ Video Overview

Facebook Targeting Cheat Sheet + video overview

  • What never to target for B2B client acquisition campaigns (avoid throwing away thousands still targeting these dated options)
  • ​Three often overlooked targeting options that can slash acquisition costs in half (use this before every FB "guru" online preaches these options in 2024 courses & drives the cost up
  • How you can aggressively test as many audiences as possible (as cheap as possible), to give your campaigns a shot at crushing your competition at the lowest cost possible


Case Study Of a $0 To $120k Monthly Agency Owner

  • Get a behind the scenes look at an agency owner who scaled past 120k monthly only using paid ads
  • See the exact ads, offer and funnel that was used to rapidly scale in a saturated niche
  • ​​Learn how to leverage strong front end offers with a technique called a/b closing to beat out your competition


10 Hours Of B2B Ad Breakdowns For Our Inner Circle Mastermind

  • Get exclusive access to our inner circle call recordings where we help troubleshoot hundreds of B2B campaigns
  • ​Learn from the mistakes others are making so you can scale your campaigns smoothly without costs rising
  • Learn everything from targeting, offer structure, and landing pages to advanced scaling methods


Behind The Scenes Breakdown Of 0-100k/month Dental Agency

  • Learn the exact targeting we used to get cheap meetings in this saturated niche
  • ​See our offer structure we used to hit 105k in the first 30 days this agency was live
  • ​See how we used our "Evergreen Hook Formula" to scale whilst filming minimal creatives


Zero To 80k/month Pool Builder Agency Case Study

  • See how we scaled in this brand new niche with a 10x roi using only lead forms
  • ​See how we ran ads to "Pool Builder events" around the country to get ultra cheap meetings
  • ​Learn how we used simple image creative templates to beat out a competitor who had been in the niche for more than 5 years


Behind The Scenes Breakdown Of A 40k/month Mortgage Agency

  • Learn how we use "Unique Mechanism" to get cheap meetings in a niche saturated with crazy offers
  • ​See the exact image creative technique we use to get cheap meetigns right out of the gate
  • ​See our exact targeting method we use to scale ads without saturating the niche

There's absolutely ZERO RISK!

Because your decision to act now if backed by a...
So even if you magically decide to hate me 59 days 23 hours and 59 minutes from now and want your meager $5.49 back...

All you have to do is email support@agencylab.io and we'll happily put the money back in your account.

But I have hundreds of alumni students with transformative experiences using these exact ads that make me think that's never going to happen...

Scroll down now and take advantage of this offer before we revoke access to the public.
So even if you magically decide to hate me 59 days 23 hours and 59 minutes from now and want your meager $5.49 back...

All you have to do is email support@agencylab.io and we'll happily put the money back in your account.

But I have hundreds of alumni students with transformative experiences using these exact ads that make me think that's never going to happen...

Scroll down now and take advantage of this offer before we revoke access to the public.
Originally $297 - If this page redirects to a waiting list, it means this offer won't be available for 90 days
  • Steal My Client Getting Ads
  • BONUS #1 - Facebook Targeting Cheat Sheet + Video Overview
  • ​Bonus #2 - B2B Ads Case Study Of a $0 To $120k Monthly Agency Owner
  • BONUS #3 - 10 Hours Of B2B Ad Breakdowns For Our Inner Circle Mastermind + 3 Behind The Scenes B2B Ads Case Studies Of 7 Figure Agencies
  • ​60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Originally $297.99... Limited Time $5.49

Originally $297.99... 
Limited Time $5.49

If this page redirects to a waiting list it means this offer won't be available for 90 days, but you can still opt-in to be notified when it opens back up.
60 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee!
Secure payments through PayPal...
P.S. - if you're skimming and just wanted to see what the offer was... for just $5.49, you're getting licensing rights to the highest converting ads my students and I have ever ran to flood our calendars with qualified prospects. 

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